You and Your Instrument: Catherine
You and Your Instrument
– Catherine (clarinet)
Coping with lock down
I am doing fine, of course I miss family and friends and most look forward to giving my grandchildren big hugs again. I have lots of sorting out to do as I hope ??? to move to a flat in Beckenham once life settles down a bit, meanwhile everything on hold. I have also been called in to supervise my 8 year old grandson’s school work for a while each morning, using face time. This is a mixed blessing, which reminds me why I never wanted to teach, but it’s great to have the contact.
Catherine is on the right of this photo.
You and Your Instrument Questionnaire
Q. When did you first start playing your instrument?
In about 1986.
Q. What or who inspired you?
Having played the piano since the age of ten I wanted to be able to play with others, a friend lent me a clarinet and that was it.
Q. Who taught you?
Private tutor.
Q. Which bands have you played in?
Bromley Concert Band for a short period but mainly BCB
Q. Name three highlights of your band playing career.
- The band tour to Normandy, our evening performance at a local church was relocated as the program was considered too secular, something to do with the Orpheus in the Underworld selection we were due to play one suspects. Anyway we were relegated to a stage under the cliffs, with 5 minutes to go there was no audience then they all appeared, seemingly from nowhere. We had a great performance with no objections to the Can Can.
- The band tour to Germany, practising marching on local tennis courts in preparation and the kindness of our German hosts who came out to escort us on a trip down the Rhine from Koblenz, sharing music, food and wine together.
- Playing in the Royal parks at Greenwich and St James’s Park.
Q. Name one thing you would like to do in the future with BCB.
Another tour preferably without the marching.
Q. Please provide a photograph or two if you can of yourself playing or engaging in a musical activity.
Catherine didn’t provide a photo,. but we have added one from the band archive. Catherine is the clarinettist to the right.